Tuesday 3 August 2010

Bob Brown

School of Architecture and Design, University of Plymouth

Tutorial sketch 01
Pen on paper 290 x 210

Tutorial sketch 02
Pen on paper 290 x 210

Tutorial sketch 03
Pen on paper 290 x 210
Tutorial sketch 04
Pen on paper 290 x 210

As a full-time academic most of my drawing praxis these days is contained within design tutorials with students, and thus the drawings attached are from those tutorials. I tend to work on blank sheets of A4 sketching out thoughts being discussed with the student; as such they reflect a running dialogue between the student and myself, in which I attempt to figuratively draw out through discussion, ideas / thoughts that the student has and articulate my understanding (and possibilities within this understanding) of how the student might develop their work.

The sketches are taken from two different tutorials with the same 1st year MA Architecture student Tim Firth, shown with condensed versions of the students' own final drawings.